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Change your perception. Change your life.


Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you were 'stuck', constantly repeating the same outcome but desiring a different one? This might be in a job situation, relationships, your health well, any situation. It can stop you from achieving your hopes and dreams and lead to many chronic health problems.

Did you know that your perception has a powerful effect on your entire life, creating the way you think! Act! Your whole outlook on life! A positive, expansive view allows you to function with greater ease and less stress than you might expect. Whereas a limited, narrow perspective creates fewer options, which can produce more pressure, this, in turn, impacts your health and wellness in negative ways.

I like to think of your perception as 'the way you see things it is often determined by something beyond your control, like your circumstances, the influence of others, or the patterns you inherited from your parents and grandparents.

It is interesting that people can have the same experience but come away with different reports or attitudes about what happened; some reporting the glass "half full" while to others the glass was "half empty" … but what they experienced was the same!

Studies show that perceptions - the way you see things - tend to remain the same for significant periods. This is fine when the perception serves you well, but as perception carries practical reality – what you do- it can cause repeating behaviours, both good and bad. Therefore, to gain a greater understanding of what you can do or what options you have in a situation, you need to extend or change your perception… 'the way you see things.

When you stay with the same perception of a situation, it's like the saying,

'If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.

Getting the same results is fine if what you get is what you want!

Therefore, this can be a significant barrier in every area of your life; personal relationships, the achievement of goals, healing, recovery from illness and injury, well, every area of your life.

If you want something different, extend your perception so that you see things differently and have more options to consider.


Perception is closely knit to emotion; as you have probably experienced, you can sense

others' feelings just by listening to them speak, regardless of their words.

The audible tones in your spoken voice pack subtle energetic qualities; these reflect the speaker's perception of the topic and can be measured and tracked.

So now I can introduce Zyto Evox bio-communication technology.

Zyto is Greek 'to ask' as all Zyto technology asks the body questions, Vox is Latin for voice.

So ZYTO technology using Evox bio-communication technology uses these audible tones.

Here is how the perception reframing process works:

1. Voice Mapping

The subtle energetic frequencies that reflect the speaker's perception of the topic are measured and mapped by ZYTO's innovative voice-mapping technology. The map generated based on the voice's energy reveals the present and missing frequencies compared to the ideal perception in each of the 12 perception zones.

2. Energetic Transfer

The software selects the energetic frequencies your body shows a biological coherence for based on the voice analysis. This unique information is then introduced to the subconscious via a software output using a hand cradle. Thinking about the topic as your subconscious mind receives this information helps you to gradually shift the static perception that may be holding you back.

3) Perception Shift

The process of analyzing and mapping the voice and then receiving information through energetic transfer is repeated several times on the chosen topic. Your voice pattern will eventually change as missing information is incorporated. When the software detects a significant change in your voice pattern, it indicates that a shift has occurred, and the topic's perception has been reframed. A typical result of this shift is a feeling of being uplifted and inspired.

Take Control of Your Reality

ZYTO perception reframing technology can help you break the cycle of holding onto attitudes and ways of dealing with life that limit your ability to be happier, healthier, and more successful.

Reframe your life; book a session at CJG Wellness today!
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