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Beauty From Within


Updated: Oct 26, 2022

There is a premium placed on the beauty from within, that part of us that shines out and radiates but is not physical. There is that special something about that beauty from within that is not physical but is through kindness, patience, peace, and a heart that cares. It draws us and wants us to experience it.

We can say the same of the skin, that skin that we are all drawn to. You know, the one that is so bright, fresh, smooth, flawless, yeah that one you desire, it all starts from within. And by within, I mean what we ingest and how that helps to keep our skin looking and feeling great.

I will talk about foods rich in various minerals and vitamins that help protect and give the skin its glow, rejuvenate it from within, and keep it looking good.

First, we have foods rich in selenium. I will tell you it was while looking for things that help the skin from within I came across this mineral for the first time. Two of its basic functions are helping us fight infections and reproduction. It helps fight free radicals that cause us to wrinkle; I did not know that, but now I do. Where do we get this mineral from? We will list a few foods that we find them:

Brown Rice


Brazil Nuts

Sunflower Seeds




These are foods we see every day, and they are great for the skin.

Our next category will be foods rich in zinc. It works as an antioxidant. This helps the skin to heal and rejuvenate from within. Food’s rich in zinc are

Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas),

Seeds (pumpkin, squash, sesame),

Nuts (cashew, pine nuts, almonds)

Foods rich in Vitamin C are also great for helping the skin glow from within. We all know the part that Vitamin C plays with our body’s immunity. This helps fight free radicals that destroy the skin’s elasticity and collagen from the inside out. Examples of foods rich in Vitamin C that are not fruits, because when we hear Vitamin C our default mode is fruits, but it will amaze you the foods that are also rich in Vitamin C.

Chilli Peppers

Sweet Yellow Peppers




Mustard Spinach


Brussels Sprout

If I go on the page will be full, but I bet some of these foods you were not expecting to see as full of Vitamin C.

The last set of foods we will talk about will be the ones rich in Collagen Peptides. Collagen keeps the skin strong, elastic, hydrated and gives it a smooth and youthful look. I listed foods rich in collagen peptides below:


Citrus fruits

Egg whites

Fish and Shellfish




Leafy Greens.

What we eat really has a lot to do with the way our skin looks, and lest I forget, there is also one powerful thing our body needs and that is water. We can not overemphasise the need for water.

The saying that goes garbage in garbage out is so true where our skin and the way it looks are concerned. What we ingest will surface at some point, so be careful what you eat.

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